Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Failed Dental Implants

I've been following the first meeting with the parents. Since I'm the treasurer, so:

On account 26 1140 2004 0000 3702 5553 8583 paid monthly:
- 15 zł per family for the Council of Parents
- 5 zł for class
- 1 zł for Photocopying
- 3.5 zł concert

all school fees, a monthly amount 24.50 zł.

As noted by Matthew:
It is worth noting the possibility of paying each month on a foreign trip planned at the end of third grade. Assuming a cost of 1000 zł we pay every month, about 50 PLN.

For bank, please clearly indicate the month and the name of the child for which the fee is paid.

addition persons may deposit money into:
- the book "I like to read and understand" - 15 zł
- insurance at Unique - 34 zł
- a book of religion - 9 zł

standard in the top left of the screen is a link to the "Financial Report", where you can see how much a has paid and on what.


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