Saturday, February 26, 2011

What Cervical Mucus Days Before Period Due

Animation - no secrets ...

On Friday 25 February. Third grade students visited the Museum of Cinematography. This trip was nice closure of this thematic block the formation of the film, different film genres, and occupations of people working on the plan and not only.

"The museum is from the middle of the nineteenth century palace of Karol Scheibler, one of the biggest industrialists in Lodz German origin, fortune, and because of the scale of production known as" King Cotton. "Palace of the current block neorenesan-owl has been reconstructed in the years 1886-1988. Situated in the historic park "springs", next to a huge complex of factories and the former belongs to the workers' settlement "Priest's Mill."
Cinema Museum began operations in 1976 as the Department of Culture Film and Theatre in Lodz History Museum and in 1984 was identified as his squad. "

" In 1986, the Museum of Cinematography at its headquarters received former palace K. Scheibler in pl. A near victory at the Film School - a popular "Film." The creation of the Museum of Cinematography in Lodz, was associated with its role as a center of film production since the early development of the cinema and the only activity in Poland and a recognized school in the world film.
children took part in educational activities titled "The magic of moving figures." They learned to whom they owe a beautiful and informative, ie bedtime adventures Lolka, Reksio, Magic pencil and more. two met various animation techniques, namely:
cartoon - the creation of individual frames of a movie on paper, or the so-called kalkach. celluloid.
puppet (question) - where the animator animates the set having a special doll, a wire or pivot structure (skeleton), which allows setting of stable phases of movement. This skeleton is wrapped in different materials such as sponge, cotton.
cutout - which animates the cut pieces of paper with painted phases. During the animation should be changed between tween frames. You can also make animations on layers, stacking glass elements such as background, people, animals
combined (collage)

followed up the process of creating animated films. From the position of a cartoonist, across the table and a camera to stop motion pictures, on the table for mounting the end. Surprised to hear that, to a 20-minute film - the team has to work over two years. Why so long? Well - for one second the film fall 1924 figures, ie 24 separate images that need to be set in motion. Children saw the first post-war dolls in excellent condition that have been preserved in the museum [are over 64 years]. The students were impressed by the conspicuous equipment - cameras from centuries ago, and watched excerpts scenery.
a trip we went, and classes at the Palace museum full of stories are in every respect worthy of recommendation. Welcome.


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