Visit Folk artists from Lowicz - Palma
Last week, the third class to take the unusual guests. The same Łowicz came to us two Księżanki (in the vernacular rather than dialectal - Łowiczanki) - Folk artist to teach children the traditional Palm device Easter.
beautiful, colorful costumes girls, very interested in students who incidentally - were soon to talk about the folklore of the Polish countryside, open-air museums, as well as region-specific national costumes. Ladies - dress łowicki know they had to live and not only by the sense of sight ...
Księżanki willingly told the children about their clothes, they called his part, explained the importance of colors and embroidered motifs. And so: a dress with gorsecikiem skirt, white shirt embroidered on the sleeves - bielonka, it is mandatory - apron, kerchief and red corals. Interesting - in the olden days wore Księżanki two left shoes. Sure it was hard for them to go ... Lady in a lighter costume presented the bride dress, hand made with real wool. On the outfit were also hand-embroidered motifs wine - a symbol of marriage. This outfit has more than 100 years. Ms. expensive outfit to outfit new and worn out. It is sewn by machine with lightweight fabric. Machine embroidery are also - mostly depicting floral roses.
Implementation of Easter palms turned out to be not an easy thing. Well, that hastened Księżanki children with professional help ... Willow base, decorated with mud or paper box and obligatory roses, set up a traditional Lowicz palemki. Thank you.
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