Navy - second hand, shorts - second hand (Levi's), top - Fair Everything (Reserved), bag - DIY, shoes - Street, pendant - a tiny shop |
My style today is definitely the result of inspiration to some very popular blog. Speech, of course, Betty - the girl from Paris, which very often wears shorts, jackets and T-shirts, and keep buying new shoes. Watching the actions of a very long time. At first I was delighted photos, ideas for sets, jewelry, which carries ... generally throughout the style. Recently, however, I began to wonder if it is not monotonous. And do not be easy to define. I tend to have the impression that her posts do not contribute, the clothes are still as expensive, smelling new, and combined so predictably. Being
recently in my favorite lumpeksie, I saw a raspberry jacket for $ 12 zł. Great fit, beautiful color, even the size of the idealny: odrobinkę za duży czyli taki jak chciałam, bo nonszalancki, jeśli się podwinie rękawy. I w stylu Betty! Kupiłam znalezisko bez wahania, bo miałam wielką chęć stworzyć zestaw przewidywalny, zamykający się w dokładnie takiej konwencji, która mierzi mnie od miesięcy.
Kobieca przewrotność i nagła zmienność nie zna granic :]
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