Friday, March 25, 2011

Durability Of Paper Towels

spelling-fabulous fun in learning spelling, according to the method Leslaw Furmagi.

L. Furmaga - dysortografem am Sam. This school was for me the ordeal. I could not write anything properly ...

in our school spelling method of color learn and work only with our students - III b class under the direction of Mr. Marty Luczak. Children urgently ortogramy colors and very easy to memorize spelling words spelling difficulties, or ortochochlikami.
They use only five colors - pink, green, navy blue, brown and black. How do they know what color to use - it's very simple - play in the association. Ocean - Open blue, because the sea ... yet it is blue. Frog - with green ... Why? And the color of the frog? Hammock - h brown - hang a hammock between tree trunks, and trunks are brown ... It is true that science can be enjoyable spelling. Addition facilitates learning aids in the form of colorful lollipops, colorful bins, "dry spell", domino, etc. At home, with great enthusiasm practice spelling difficult words, playing educational computer game "The Land Ortofrajdy. Last year we visited the castle of the Knights Ortofrajdowych in Radzyń Chelminski.
Students can use colored text Ortofrajdowe spelling, where you'll find about 3,000 entries. They play in addition to special colors, colorful dictation from the windows. Trzecioklasiści have had their first success by taking part in the "Painting spelling. I hope that this nice way of working and learning will soon find imitators, and the knowledge gained by the children they will be for long.

Educational System - Colour Spelling is based on assigning each ortogramom (ie government, ó, u, h, ch, desired qualifications and exceptions) of solid colors. It is painless, memorized - visual way of learning and teaching spelling. According to the evaluations of experts memorized - a visual form of teaching spelling complement and replace existing methods. The main advantage of the system is the involvement of visual memory (and hearing) to the educational process. This solution also affects positively the development of creative thinking and broaden the imagination. We propose the idea of \u200b\u200beducation for tolerance, without the stress and aggression, giving children colorful games that become the main incentive to participate in this science - fun.
- Dr. Margaret Żytko. Warsaw University, Faculty of Pedagogy

"Ó pink from now on will
Navy Open with a green everywhere
H brown very cool.
Sz exceptions to red.
U ch posmolone black".
Hymn Ortofrajdy

Lesław Furmaga - writer, engineer, sailor, former lecturer at the School of Marine. Author of novels for adults and children, radio plays and film scripts. Creator of color teaching spelling - Ortofrajda. The author of the first Polish-optic memorized spelling dictionary for children Ortofrajda. Songwriter for the games and KO, the creator of the first museum for children spelling Ortofrajdy Land, the initiator, organizer and lecturer of the first Polish spelling teaching seminars stress through play.

Soon [15 .04. br] our merry bunch will come forward with a class presentation to encourage you to visit the land of colorful spell. Welcome.


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